Things I did RIGHT and WRONG in my Business in 2018
Though a little delayed, here it is - a review of 2018.
What I did right, and WRONG in my business (and life - aren't they super co-mingled as an entrepreneur?)
This is an often ignored step by many entrepreneurs. The "post-mortem". It's something that big businesses and corporate practice really often, so what stops US from doing it too.
Usually, for me, it's time.
It takes TIME to do this exercise. Also, it's usually ALL about you. As the founder/CEO/boss/boss babe of your business, it's going to be quite self-reflective to do a year-in-review. So, make sure you're ready.
Whether you need a tea (or glass of wine in hand - I'm not judging), did into this episode. It's real, raw and honest about what happened for me (and didn't) in 2018.
If you're down for it, why not do your own review? I've created a printable PDF that you can get for FREE that you can use for your year in review.
So, have a listen to the episode on iTunes or Soundcloud.
And, don't forget to subscribe-rate-review. It's super easy and helps me to reach MORE world changers just like you.
- Delegating, and letting go is key to scaling a business. You're going to have to trust others (and they may make mistakes!), but that's okay. It's part of learning.
- Self-care is critical as an entrepreneur, and only YOU can set those boundaries. Because, well, you're the boss.
- Finding a balance of doing what works, and taking a few risks is important for growth in eCommerce.
- Firing is hard, but worse is keeping someone on that is not the right fit for your business (and their experience).
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