Create your Black Friday Plan in 2 Weeks
You probably know that Black Friday is only two weeks away. Although it might seem like there’s not enough time to make a comprehensive plan, you can absolutely still take full advantage of this peak gift-buying period.
Lots of smaller businesses think that they shouldn’t take part in the Black Friday/Cyber Monday festivities for a number of different reasons. But, Black Friday is when the majority of retailers turn a profit, and it’s important to remember that all of your competitors will be offering deals and making sales - why shouldn’t you?
On this week’s episode, I’m sharing a guide on creating a detailed Black Friday plan in just two weeks, starting from analyzing last year’s data to choosing your discounts and setting up your advertisements.
Hopefully, this guide will help you map out your Black Friday weekend, so you can achieve your goals for the end of the year.
Have a listen to episode 31 from season 2 of Brave and Boss: The Podcast on iTunes or Soundcloud.
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- How can you use data from last year to create a sales plan?
- Is participating in Black Friday contributing to overconsumption?
- What are the different types of promotions that you can offer?
- What tools can you use to map out your action plan?
- Which marketing channels should you focus on to promote Black Friday sales?
- How can you set up a people plan to make sure you have the customer service support you need?
- Ezra Firestone
- Must-Have Shopify Apps
- 6 Retail Lessons Learned from Black Friday
- How to Make a Black Friday Marketing Plan in a Weekend
- 3 Holiday Myths to Bust
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