3 Necessary Mindset Shifts to Be Boss
When you first started your business, it was likely a company of one. And one (you) was probably unpaid.
Unless you're lucky to be well-funded, this is how many businesses start off.
Then, as you grow, you scale. You hire employees. You build a team. You create a culture within your company.
The one thing I know about being an entrepreneur is that the growth is never done. And you can't hide from it.
In the corporate world, if you don't want to do that presentation - you can dodge it, maybe delegate it to someone else, or argue why you don't need it at all. But here, it's up to you.
At every stage of up-leveling your business - the challenges and opportunities change. This necessitates a mindset that is resilient and flexible, as often times the road is not smooth to success.
Have a listen to this week's podcast below, or on iTunes
Here's 3 mindset shifts I've made it through the first 5 years of triple digit growth, that helped keep my sanity (some days, maybe not so much!)
- Less is more. Establish rituals and simplify your life.
- You're only as good as the framework built to support your brain. Get tools to help you manage your stress and anxiety. Constantly be learning. Build processes and systems in your business that make you essentially not required to run them.
- You don't have to go at it alone. Create your inner circle. Find a mentor. Seek a tribe of like-minded entrepreneurs either physically or virtually. Find support. It is NOT easy and going at it alone is challenging.
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