Because mastering email marketing isn't just about learning how to create a content strategy, it's about managing your mindset. 


BONUS: Money Mindset + Sales Training

Hate asking for the sale? Feel like you struggle with charging the proper price for your product? Feel like you're "bothering" people with your emails?

This bonus training will bust through common mindset blocks around money and sales to set you up for success.




BONUS: Releasing Perfectionism Training

Ever sent out an email with a typo? Or worse, the wrong subject line? Me too! These things happen. What matters is how and what you learn from your mistakes.

In this bonus training, I'll walk you through a thought process for dealing with failure, letting for of mistakes and learning along the way.



BONUS: Content Marketing Machine Training

Spending hours on your email newsletter? Let's make that email work harder for you! In this bonus training, I'll share the secret for taking one email newsletter and creating content for multiple channels like Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and more.