Don't forget, I've been in your shoes.

I started my fashion brand with $20k in savings and NO fashion background.

I sewed my first product sample on my living room floor, on a sewing machine bought off of Craigslist (and broke the needle on the first go)

I've sent out emails that generated ZERO sales with cringe-worthy graphics.

I've sat in front of my computer for hours completely unsure of what content to create and how.


Building a business from scratch isn't easy, but I can help

If you’ve listened to my podcast, Brave and Boss, you’ll know I’m a super-down-to-earth Canadian. I focus on practical advice, and never teach anything I don’t implement or haven’t tried.

Here's what else you need to know...

  • I've got not one, but three degrees - an MBA from Queen's, a finance degree from Western University and certificate in Entrepreneurship from Cornell.
  • I'm the founder of one of the few apparel brands in Canada that are B Corp certified.
  • I'm a proud dog mom to Harlow
  • I'm a former competitive athlete
  • I spent 10+ years in my career globetrotting as a management consultant for multi-national retailers prior to starting my business for top tier firms like ThoughtWorks and PwC.
  • I've been featured in the Globe & Mail, FASHION Magazine, and Chatelaine
  • My startup was named to the Startup500 fastest growing list
  • I've been awarded a clean50 award for my contribution to conscious capitalism 


Why does this matter? 

By taking this course, you get the best of both worlds. 

You get a formally educated marketer and operations guru who's actually built a business from the ground up. In addition, I've seen the inside of top retailers and how they function. Plus, I'm an experienced coach, cheerleader and mentor for brands just like yours.

Because I've likely been at the same stage you are at today with your business. I've felt the frustration of inconsistent sales, and not having a clear marketing strategy. And I know exactly what it takes to get to the next level.

This is why I’m so passionate about helping other entrepreneurs, like you.  


Let's Get Email Marketing

When you enroll today this is what you’ll receive.

  • Four Email Marketing Training Modules: Over 30+ hours of step-by-step training on mastering eCommerce email marketing (value $2500)
  • Actionable Spreadsheets: Email Scorecard worksheet, Goal setting worksheet (value $100)
  • Workbooks: The Opt-in Development guidebook, The Content Planning guidebook, Sample Content Calendars, Blank Content Calendars. (value $500)
  • Swipe files: Email Automation copy swipe file, Email Content Cheatsheet, Transactional Email copy swipe file (value $500)
  • Processes and systems: Transactional email checklist, Pre-send Campaign Checklist, Email Automation Flows, Content Planning process, (value $1000)
  • Resources guides: 40+ Ways to Build your List, Analytics resources, Pop-ups, Email software comparison, Landing page comparison software, Email Regulations, How to do Paid List Building, How to hire Graphics help (value $400)
  • + 3 Bonus trainings: Money + Sales Mindset, Releasing Perfectionism, and Content Marketing Machine Formula (value $250)

    That’s a total value of over $5000+.