About Coaching with Me


I've been in your shoes. Period.

Many coaches haven't had their own businesses. In 2012, I started my ethical fashion brand, Encircled with just $20k in savings and scaled it to well over 7-figures a year in revenue in under 5 years. We now have a team of 16+ employees, a beautiful studio space, and are on track for more growth this year!

I love business,  brand-building and feel passionate about helping other entrepreneurs grow and scale their purpose-driven business. Before launching Encircled, I was a high-level strategy consultant for North America's top retailers, and previously in Consumer Packaged Goods at one of the best known brands in the world. With over 15 years of business experience, I also have a Finance degree, and an MBA from two of the top schools in Canada, Queen's University and Western University, and soon-to-be a post-graduate certificate from Cornell University. Don't believe me? Creep my Linkedin profile.

I only take a few coaching clients per month, and spend a big portion of the first quarter of the year (for the past 6 years) being a mentor coach in the acclaimed online business school program, Marie Forleo's B-School.

I balance theory and practical business know-how with honesty, accountability and the real world experience of building a business from the ground up 


I only work with clients who want to generate revenue from eCommerce in their product-based business in a direct-to-consumer model. What does that mean? I help brands who want to retail directly to consumers online and potentially through their own events, pop-up shops and retail. I don't do wholesale. I don't do drop-shipping. I don't do Amazon. I only teach what I know. I'm a Shopify partner, and have experience in building online stores, as well as the strategy required to generate traffic online. 


Many coaches can answer questions, but I prefer to focus on a holistic approach to your business strategy. You can't build a house on a shaky foundation, nor should you build a business on an unclear brand and business that lacks systems. I offer personalized feedback, and an inside view on your brand that will set you up for success today, and in the future.


Starting and scaling an eCommerce brand isn't just about figuring out your ideal customer, and reaching them through marketing tactics. It's about becoming a leader, and managing your mindset through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. Being an entrepreneur was one of the most difficult jobs I've ever had - not because of the smaller budgets, or the financial stress but because of how emotionally-attached you become to your business. It's your baby! I get it. I help my coaching clients become more confident in their brands, and work on their mindset, so that you can grow (not shrink) with your business as it sky rockets in growth.